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Change to AP World History 2016–17

2016-2-23 15:54| 发布者: 胡老师| 查看: 196150| 评论: 0|原作者: 胡老师|来自: College Board

摘要: Change to AP World History 2016–17Overviewof RevisionsThese newest revisions, which are the direct result of feedback from APteachers and higher education faculty, will expand and build upon thecompr ...
Change to AP World History 2016–17

Overview of Revisions
These newest revisions, which are the direct result of feedback from APteachers and higher education faculty, will expand and build upon thecomprehensive changes to the course and exam teachers implemented in the2011-12 school year, further strengthening AP World History’s focus onmastering essential concepts and developing historical thinking skills.Specifically:

  • Less     essential topics have been removed from the concept outline, making the     scope of the revised course more manageable.
  • Learning     objectives have been incorporated into the curriculum framework to clearly     define the focus of the revised exam.
  • A     revised exam format, featuring new question types, will provide greater     opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and are able to do.
The ExamFormat
The new exam will feature short-answer, document-based, and essay questionsthat will ask students to demonstrate historical content knowledge and thinkingskills through written responses. Multiple-choice questions will ask studentsto use content knowledge to analyze and interpret primary and secondarysources.
The exam will consist of four parts:

  • 55     multiple-choice questions (55 minutes, 40 percent)
  • Four     short-answer questions (50 minutes, 20 percent)
  • One     document-based question (55 minutes, 25 percent)
  • One     long essay question (35 minutes, 15 percent)
Beginning with the first administration of the revised exam in 2017, APWorld History will share the same exam format as the other two AP historycourses: AP U.S. History and AP European History, whose redesigned exams willfirst be administered in 2015 and 2016, respectively.







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